Board of Directors

Cole Whitehead - Chair - J.J. Cardosi, Inc.

Amanda Terry - Chair Elect - Gallagher& Co.

Deb Lotocki - Immediate Past Chair - American Tele-Connect Services, Inc.

Michael Crawley - Treasurer - Citrin Cooperman

Steve Benfeito - Secretary - New England Drywall

Phil Freshman - Alpha Electrical

George Grayson - TradeSource, Inc.

Paul McDonald - Atlas Total Construction Services

Peter Jacavone - Starkweather & Shepley

Rich Sarnie - United Safety Professionals

Tiffani Tartaglia - Resource Options, Inc.

Joseph Reale Jr. - Joseph J. Reale Jr. Ltd.

Brian Renaud - Contractor Benefit Solutions

Nicole Foley - RI Construction and Training Academy (RICTA)

Joe Lopes - President



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