Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. is the voice of the merit shop in the construction industry.
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Congratulations 2024 Excellence in Construction Award Winners!

What are members saying about ABC RI Chapter?
"An ABC Board Member and friend of mine, encouraged me to join ABC RI Chapter in 2013. I met so many people willing to help my company thrive as an Associate Member. Now ten years later I find myself serving on the Board and I encourage companies to join this fine and caring organization."

Dianne Falk
"I have so benefited from my membership in ABC Rhode Island. For over 25 years I have had the opportunity to meet, learn from and socialize with Rhode Island contractors; many of whom have become clients and friends. Joining is a great way to grow your business and keep informed about the events of the day."
David Byrne - Vice President-Bond Manager
"ABC RI membership puts Robert F. Audet, Inc. Electrical Contractors in direct contact with customers, subcontractors and suppliers through monthly events, training sessions and legislative updates. The ability to share best practices and industry concerns with other merit shop contractors makes our ABC Dues a standard line item in our annual budget."
Lynn Kent
“ABC of RI helps keep me up to date and tuned to the industry landscape here in RI. It’s also a great place to find qualified, reliable subcontractors.”

Justin Coletta
"ABC of RI has provided William Anthony Excavating with a wealth of knowledge through the education it offers its members. The monthly meetings provide an opportunity for us to mingle with vendors and other merit shop contractors who share our similar values and goals. Along with the networking, ABCRI provides legislative support for issues affecting our members. Let’s keep up the fight!"
Brenda Raposo
“As a professional providing services to the construction industry, ABC had proven to be an organization committed to its purpose of improving and promoting construction in our state, whose members retain fellow members for their skills and abilities. It is a great opportunity to share and support ideas and experiences with like-minded people” Joe Reale, Esq.
Joseph J. Reale
"Membership with Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) was a “no-brainer” for Advance Electrical Corp. We have enjoyed the membership offerings since 2003. We share belief in the Merit Shop philosophy which affords our employees and our company well-rounded career opportunities and versatility in our field. The educational benefits and resources are available to all of our employees to help better themselves as well as our organization, assuring our future success and growth."
Jan Dell'Oro
“I have had the opportunity over the last several years to attend many events and meet so many great people. From business owners, managers, and field employees, we all share a common goal. Now, I am proud to be on the Board of Directors and help have a direct impact in achieving that goal. I see firsthand how important this organization is in helping create a fair and equal opportunity to help our small businesses succeed. Without the ABC, small business would not survive. The value that it provides is endless and I look forward to being a part of its future.”
Matt Hogberg

Join a network of companies striving to be the best the construction industry has to offer.
Membership has many benefits!
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